Friends Winter Newsletter
Members received their annual Winter Newsletter at the end of 2023 featuring events and developments during the year.
When you join the Friends, you will receive this in addition to an annual report and email communications keeping you up to date.
One of our members from Northamptonshire recalled the air raid in 1941 and being asked to collect glass fragments for the restoration. He keeps in touch with the Cathedral through the livestreamed services (part funded by the Friends.) Another member from Australia has connected through the newsletter with a member in the U.S.A. – worldwide connections!
Biggest Ever Grant – Over a Quarter of a Million Pounds
In 2023, the Friends made what is thought to be their biggest ever grant, over a quarter of a million pounds. The Dean and Chapter have received payments totalling £261,775.82, in support of Chapter’s project to replace the 70 year old boilers and improve the heating system. Other grants this year have been a further £45,000 for the Music Department, including ongoing help with the costs of developing the Cathedral girls choir and £7,000 towards the new Garden of Remembrance.

Autumn Tea at the Great Hall, Howell’s School
Over 50 members and visitors enjoyed a splendid Afternoon Tea of sandwiches, cakes, scones with jam and cream and trifles at the Great Hall of Howell’s School on Saturday 2nd December.
The decorations were magnificent and it was really good to meet up with friends old and new, a wonderful seasonal get-together.
Many thanks to Principal Mrs Sally Davis, also a Friends’ Trustee, for inviting us. If you were to dream of an amazing place for a wonderful afternoon tea, this would be it.
Our Vice President, Mrs Morfudd Meredith spoke about her role as His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of South Glamorgan, and the many appointments and invitations she receives in this varied and important voluntary work.
Following tea, we were led in carol singing by Revd Canon Graham Holcombe, who was warmly welcomed.
Thankyou to all who attended. Some comments included –
‘The tea was wonderful….worth joining the Friends for!’
‘I have had tea in several London hotels, and none of them were equal to this.’
‘There is no location better than this.’ ‘I hope you’re going to hold it again next year…..’
Friends Open Day
Friends Open Days were held at the Cathedral on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September.
Friday was ‘Explore and Draw’ for the four Llandaff primary schools. Although many of the children will have been to the Cathedral for services, not many of them may have had the opportunity to have a good look around.
There were delighted comments of ‘Can we go anywhere we like?’ as children walked around, sat in the choir stalls, looked under the Majestas, studied windows, monuments and artworks in the aisles and then drew their own pictures of what interested them most. Teachers tell us the children really enjoy these sessions and look forward to bringing different classes next year.
Rain on Saturday can mean numbers are hard to predict, but there was a good turn out for all the events, Organ talk and demonstration, archives, Bell Tower tours and the Friends guided tour. It was very helpful to have light refreshments in the Prebendal House, provided by Howell’s School, one of our corporate members, as it made all the difference as people stayed for more than one of the events.
We are grateful to the Music Department, Archivist and Bellringers for once again collaborating on this event, part of European Heritage/Cadw Open Doors.
Friends of Salisbury Cathedral
A group of Friends from Salisbury came to Llandaff on Friday 7th July and were welcomed by Friends’ Chair Linda Quinn before a guided tour led by the Cathedral Archivist.
They were in South Wales for four days, also visiting Cardiff Castle, Insole Court, Tredegar House and Tintern Abbey.
2023 Annual Friends Festival
The three day festival began as Friends gathered for the annual lunch at The Maltsters, Llandaff on Friday 12th May. On Saturday 13th, the AGM was followed by an intriguing lecture entitled ‘A life in Crime‘ delivered by Mr Gerard Elias C.B.E., K.C., and Friend. Many of us remembered some of the South Wales crimes he recalled and it was very entertaining.
Choral Evensong followed, including the presentation of the Friends Chorister Awards, this year to Gwenan and Austin. The Festival concluded on Sunday 14th May with the Festal Eucharist. Friends read at both these services.