What's On Today
Croeso | Welcome
We are an ancient building that is home to an inclusive community.
We serve all people in the city, region and across the nation of Wales.
As we worship Jesus, we recognise in every person the image and likeness of God.
Join us for worship, visit us as a tourist or come as a pilgrim. We are your cathedral and whoever you are you will find a welcome and a home here.
Father Richard, Dean of Llandaff
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Festival of Christmas Music for Primary Schools
On 6th December 2023, almost 400 children from Splott, Tremorfa and Adamsdown took part in a Festival of Christmas Music at St. German’s Church. This was the first project of its kind in the area, and the response from schools was overwhelming. So much so, that what had originally been planned for as a single … Continued

BBC Broadcasts at Christmas
BBC Radio Wales will broadcast from the Cathedral three times over the Christmas period. At 7.32am on Christmas Eve, you can hear a service marking the Fourth Sunday of Advent, while at 7.00am on Christmas Day you can listen to a Christmas Day Celebration from Llandaff. This is in addition to the live broadcast of … Continued

Christingle & Crib Service
At 4pm on Sunday 17th December, we’ve got a crib service with a difference! Children are invited to come dressed for the nativity story if they would like to, as angels, shepherds, wise men, Mary, Joseph, donkey, camels, sheep, or inn keeper. Christingle services help to raise money for the Children’s Society. The service is … Continued
Visiting us
Llandaff Cathedral, Administration Office,
Prebendal House,Llandaff, Cardiff, CF5 2LA,
Opening hours
Monday – Saturday: 8.00am to 5.30pm
Sunday: 8.00am to 4.00pm