Cyfnewid I Gymraeg cy

7.00am Holy Eucharist (Mon-Thur)

If you start your day early, join Father Richard in the Teilo Chapel for a short Eucharist at 7.00am.

8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist (Mon-Sat)

Start your day with some quietness and reflection at our 8.00am service of Morning Prayer with a Eucharist every week day.

9.30am Holy Eucharist (Tuesday) 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid (Dydd Iau)

Join us in the Lady Chapel for a Eucharist in English each Tuesday, and a Eucharist in Welsh on Thursdays.

5.30pm Choral Evensong/Evening Prayer

Each day in the Cathedral we end the day with Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir. Occasionally we meet instead to say the office of Evening Prayer. Please check our Events calendar for up to date information.