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Llandaff Cathedral welcomes everyone, and we hope that we can accommodate your visit.

Please be aware that the Cathedral is at the bottom of a steep slope. There are no marked disabled parking spaces in Llandaff. However, there is a small car park at the bottom of the hill to the East of the Cathedral. This is near to the Southeast door, where there is step-free access into the Cathedral. Parking is very limited in this car park.

Accessibility provisions:

  • A wheelchair is available for general use within the Cathedral.
  • There are maps available in the Cathedral Nave and linked here showing the step-free routes to most areas within the Cathedral.
  • Spaces for wheelchair users are reserved in the Nave, and if you contact us in advance, we can reserve seats alongside for your whole party.
  • We do not have a separate unisex disabled toilet at present; however, our toilets have spacious cubicles and handrails, and are accessible via the ramped entrance to the left of the Cathedral’s West door.
  • We have a hearing loop system in the Nave.
  • Most orders of service are uploaded on our website and can be accessed by a QR code displayed in the building.
  • Sunday morning service sheets are available in large print for those who need them.
  • Many of our services are streamed online for those who cannot visit in person.

We will be very happy to discuss any further accessibility requirements.