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Music is at the heart of the daily life of Llandaff Cathedral. Our choirs and musicians enrich everyday worship alongside diocesan and national occasions, bringing joy to people across Cardiff, Wales and the UK. The musical life of the Cathedral brings untold benefits to those that are involved, particularly young people, engendering life skills and values such as teamwork and collective responsibility in an atmosphere of world-class performance opportunities.

Director of Music, Stephen Moore says: “We are delighted to announce that a new Music Foundation is being set up to better support and develop the opportunities available to those who wish to make music at Llandaff Cathedral. We want to strengthen what we already have and strive to build a community of musicians that offers opportunity for anyone who wishes to be involved. The Foundation will seek to build on the strong links with the Cathedral School, whilst also forging new relationships with other schools and educational establishments. It will look at ways to engage with former choristers, both those who have left the choirs recently and those who have a connection which is more long standing. The Foundation will fundraise for short and long-term projects, promoting and strengthening Llandaff Cathedral as a hub for music in Cardiff, as well as helping to maintain and develop the high standard of music making for which we are known.”

The Dean and Chapter have appointed Elizabeth Atherton as Music Foundation Executive. Elizabeth joins us with a wealth of experience as a professional singer and educator, and whose early days of development were shaped as a Choral Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge. Alongside the Precentor and Director of Music, Elizabeth will seek to develop a vision and strategy for the Foundation which will take shape over the coming months before a formal launch takes place.

Elizabeth says: “I am thrilled to be joining the team at Llandaff Cathedral, a very special place indeed, and one that already figures significantly in my life, as my sons are both choristers here. Cathedral music played an integral part in my development as a singer and as the person that I have become, and it is an enormous privilege to be entrusted to lead the building of a Music Foundation here alongside Stephen Moore and his team, who are already fabulous mentors to so many young people. Music has the power to transform lives, and every child should have the opportunity to experience it at the highest level. I am determined to enable as many youngsters as possible to benefit from everything that music education and choral singing has to offer, regardless of their means or background, whilst cementing the status of Llandaff Cathedral as a centre for the arts, both locally and nationally.”

Elizabeth may be contacted as follows:

Mobile            07928 539481