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The Friends exist to support the Cathedral, its fabric, music and heritage.

The Friends are people of all ages from across the world who value the Cathedral and contribute to its history and development.

Why not join our community of Friends and help us support this historic building for generations to come?

Why become a friend of the Cathedral?

Benefits of becoming a Friend of the Cathedral:

* An impressive annual report containing information about our activities and fascinating articles about the Cathedral and its history

* An annual festival

* Heritage visits to churches and places of interest

* Social events, tours and lectures

* An annual winter newsletter

How to join the Friends

Membership starts at just £20 for a single annual membership. Joint, Life and Corporate Memberships are also available.

Payments can be made by Standing Order / Direct Debit (BACS) / Cheque

If you are a UK tax payer, we encourage you to complete the Gift Aid Declaration so that the Friends can reclaim the tax.

Make this the year YOU become a Friend of Llandaff Cathedral – it’s easy to join:

Ordinary Member£20 per annum
Joint Members£30 per annum
Life Member£250
Joint Life Members£450
Corporate Member (Parishes/Parish Organisations)£50 per annum
Corporate Member (Schools/FE Organisations)£100 per annum
Corporate Member (Others)£100 per annum

Leaving a gift in your will

The Friends are almost entirely funded by subscriptions and donations, and by individuals who leave the gift of a legacy in their wills. Legacies make a significant addition to the funds the Friends can make to the Cathedral and without them the help we are able to give would be much reduced.

There is more than one type of legacy. You may wish to dedicate your gift to a loved one, by expressing your legacy as being in memory or you may wish your legacy to be used for a particular purpose, such as for cathedral music or for repairs to a specific part of the building.


Julia Lambert Stewart

“I am very pleased to be a member of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral.”

The Cathedral is at the heart of a lovely community who have surrounded my family for many years. We have shared important life ceremonies, including baptism, confirmation, and marriage, in its beautiful building. Services and music have brought much solace and joy. The Friends work very hard in preserving the heritage of Llandaff Cathedral and supporting the future of such a special, sacred place.”

Julia Lambert Stewart