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Christian Aid Week 15th – 22nd May

Christian Aid does vital work in so many countries, including currently in Ukraine. Here in Llandaff Cathedral we have a proud record of support. We have a large number of committed volunteers and will be able to deliver a leaflet / envelope to every house in the parish during Christian Aid Week. The envelope provides the opportunity to make a cash donation (to be returned to the designated collection address) or to give money on line using a QR Code. Key dates to note:

Sunday 15th May – start of Christian Aid Week, Mari McNeill, Head of Christian Aid Wales will speak at the Cathedral during both the 9.00am and 11.15am Services.

Also on Sunday 15th May, our Sunday School children will be holding a bring and buy toy sale to raise funds as well as learning about Christian Aid’s work during their lessons on that day.

Thursday 19th May 12.30pm Christian Aid fund-raising lunch in Prebendal House – no need to book – just turn up.

Throughout the week, the Bishop of Llandaff High School, the Cathedral School and also Llandaff City, Church in Wales Primary School will be holding events both to educate and to raise funds.

Bishop June spoke about the importance of Christian Aid’s work at our 9.00am Service on 1st May.

She quoted Archbishop Desmond Tutu: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”. Please do what you can to support Christian Aid this year.