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Join us this Holy Week as we welcome the Rev’d Canon Dr Ellen Loudon as our guest preacher. Ellen is Canon Chancellor at Liverpool Cathedral and has responsibility for social justice in the Diocese of Liverpool. She is the editor of the book 12 Rules for Christian Activists – our Dean, Father Richard, contributed a chapter to this book.

Monday 3rd April
Holy Eucharist
Morning Prayer with Holy Eucharist
Choral Evensong
7.30pm Holy Eucharist with Homily & Hymns

Tuesday 4th April
7.00am Holy Eucharist
Morning Prayer with Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist
Choral Evensong
7.30pm Holy Eucharist with Homily & Hymns

Wednesday 5th April
7.00am Holy Eucharist
Morning Prayer with Holy Eucharist
Choral Evensong
7.30pm Holy Eucharist with Homily & Hymns

Thursday 6th April – Maundy Thursday
7.00am Holy Eucharist
Morning Prayer with Holy Eucharist (Bilingual)
Chrism Eucharist
5.30pm Evening Prayer
7.30pm Mass of the Last Supper, procession to the Altar of Repose
and Watch of the Passion for an hour, ending with Compline at 10.15pm

Friday 7th April – Good Friday
10.00am Children’s Liturgy
12.00pm At the Foot of the Cross – An Hour of Meditation and Reflection
1.15pm Liturgy of the Day

Saturday 8th April – Holy Saturday
8.30pm The Paschal Vigil

Sunday 9th April – Easter Day
8.00am Holy Eucharist
9.00am Sung Eucharist
11.00am Choral Eucharist
4.00pm Choral Evensong