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Christian Aid Week starts on Sunday 14th May. We are pleased to welcome Andrew Sully, Interim Director of Christian Aid Wales to our 9.00am and 11.00am Services on that day to preach.

There will be retiring collections for Christian Aid on Sunday 14th and also on that day from 9.45am a ‘Christian Aid Big Brekkie’ in Prebendal House.  At the Big Brekkie, for £5 per head / £10 per family, you will be able to get … fruit, yoghurt, cereal and pastries, as well as sausage sandwiches, toast, marmalade, marmite (by special request) and of course tea, coffee and fruit juice. Yummy! Please bring along your family and friends. You can eat after the 9.00am or before the 11.00am Services.

During the week, the Cathedral’s team of volunteers will be distributing leaflets and envelopes to every house in the parish. Each envelope provides the option for an on-line donation via QR code or for cash to be returned in the envelope to one of a number of addresses in Llandaff.

On Sunday 21st May,our Sunday School  will be organising a Toy Sale of good quality second hand toys and books.

We know that our local schools will also be organising events during the Christian Aid Week – so we can be proud of all our efforts to raise awareness about the work of Christian Aid and raise much needed funds. Together, we can all make a big difference.

You can donate to Christian Aid here