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The Dean and Chapter is dedicated to the support of the Cathedral Music Department. A development project is underway to better support and expand the activities of the department, and to enhance the status of Llandaff Cathedral as a hub for music-making and education of the highest order.

The project will help the existing department to thrive and expand, and to engage with the wider community in the city of Cardiff and Diocese of Llandaff. As well as maintaining the high standard of music making for which our choirs are well known, it is our vision to create further scholarships and widen access for more people to be involved in music-making here at the Cathedral. We aim to take music education into local schools to reach children who might otherwise be without provision and create more opportunities for them at the Cathedral through new music groups. We plan to put Llandaff firmly on the map, both locally and nationally, as an Arts Centre of the highest calibre, in terms of musical output, reach and education, alongside its primary role as a historic place of worship.

This work has already begun with the creation of the role of Music Animateur, schools music and singing projects, and Majestas Kids, a music group for Primary aged children. We are excited and encouraged about the future of the Music Department and the power of music to transform lives.

We are actively looking for former Cathedral choristers to build an alumni association and are always keen to connect with those interested in preserving and securing the future of Cathedral music and reaching as many in the community as possible.

For further information, or to enquire about regular giving or legacies to support this work, please contact the Director of Music